Our Editors

"Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." - John Ruskin

Angie Vandenberg

Experience: ~ 86,000 pages scoped and proofed

Angie is a shoot later, ask questions first kind of gal. Her commitment to turning over every stone to ensure that the job was done right is an integral part of how we do business at MicroScope. We are thrilled to have such a dedicated, inquisitive, and warm personality on our team. Angie's attention to detail is fantastic and her ability to get a lot done in a short period of time makes her a much-beloved member of our team.

"I'm a dedicated and conscientious individual who seeks opportunities for learning and growth. Earned a BA in Linguistics and Psychology from McGill University and currently resides in Southern Ontario. My professional background reflects an openness to experiences and an eagerness to develop a wide range of abilities. I hope to bring the team lots of spirit and support. On the weekend you can find me at a concert with my husband, doing yoga, trying a new restaurant or watching a good (or bad) movie. Very happy to be joining the fun!" -Angie

Jon Herrera

Experience: ~ 70,000 pages scoped and proofed

Where do we start with Jon's story? How about the fact that Jon is a published author of two fiction books for children and young adults. This creative drive, ability to self-critique, and thirst for excellence and growth make him a valued member of the MicroScope team. Jon has cemented his reputation as a reliable, friendly, passionate editor who treats every transcript as if it were his own piece of writing.

"I was born in El Salvador during the civil war. I immigrated with my family to Ontario, Canada at the age of 11. I am proud to have attended university, graduating with a degree in Physics and Mathematics. I have always had a keen interest in creativity in all its forms, but my passions are writing and the English language. This passion has produced two novels for children and young adults. My books are the result of my love of language and storytelling." -Jon

Natalie Way

Experience: ~ 67,000 pages scoped and proofed

MicroScope welcomes Natalie to our fold! Natalie's fresh ideas, passion for the work, and easy-going personality make her a natural fit for the team. While Natalie may be an expert in texts that have already been written, what's even more exciting is the story that we are writing together! Natalie has your back on backorders, weekend rushes, technical writing, and more. 

Recently graduated from the University of Guelph with a BA in History, my training from Guelph makes me extremely detail-oriented and in constant use of critical thinking skills. Adding a certain level of caution to my work, I've spent time reading records and transcripts from the university's library, which include Canadian prison records and Scottish postcards; the oldest of these artifacts dates back to the 18th century.

When not working, I often find myself thinking about work. Although, some distractions include reading, being at the gym, or watching sports. If you were to find us having a conversation, it is likely that you would find out I want a dog. (Noted cat-haver)

Mason Goodfellow

Experience: ~ 52,000 pages scoped and proofed

Mason is the epitome of what passion and youth can bring to a team. Mason's keen eye and habit of going above and beyond to check, double-check, and triple-check his citations and sources makes him acutely qualified within the MicroScope team. Embodying detail and the constant pursuit of growth is exactly what makes Mason such a special addition to our team.

Having recently graduated from the Digital Media and Journalism program at Wilfrid Laurier University, I am very eager to put my skills to work. My education in journalism has made it very hard not to look for grammatical errors in everything I read; it has also taught me that behind everything and everyone there is a story to be uncovered. In my free time, you can usually find me deep in a book, researching the history of different music genres, or enjoying life with family and friends. I'm starting the next chapter of my life with MicroScope and I'm very excited about it!

Aaron Wong

Experience: ~ 34,000 pages scoped and proofed

Collaboration, dedication, and commitment to performative excellence are all things MicroScope clients can expect from Aaron. The desire to pursue personal and professional growth along with settling into a team environment that feels like home makes MicroScope the perfect place for Aaron.

Aaron (he/him) is a warm and enthusiastic individual and someone who loves a challenge. Having completed his Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Western Australia, and a Masters of Project Management at Curtin University before moving back to Canada, his inquisitive nature has pushed him to seek out new experiences at every turn.

His previous roles in operations coordination have given him great attention to detail and a passion for problem-solving. He also can't help but get involved with new projects - whether it's designing a training program for new employees, or implementing a new Learning Management System for clients, he is always eager to dive straight in.

Aaron is also the Volunteer Coordinator for the Canadian Council of the Blind where he reaches out to connect volunteers in the Greater Toronto region to assist partially-sighted and blind folks in a variety of social events. Outside of this, you can often find him painting or trying a new recipe from the internet.

Philip Elliott

Experience: ~ 60,000 pages scoped and proofed

An established and professional writer and editor in his own right, Philip brings to MicroScope the meat and potatoes (Heh! Get it? Ireland!) of what it means to take a document from start to finish. As a writer himself, Philip is both aware and conscientious of the importance of layered editing and absolute accuracy. We welcome Philip's expertise with open arms and are excited to have his passion on our team!

Philip has been editing passionately and professionally since 2016 when he founded the award-winning literary magazine/small press publisher, Into the Void, which ran until 2021. During this time, Philip worked with dozens of writers all over the world as the founder of Paragon Editing Services. A novelist and screenwriter, Philip has been writing fiction ever since he earned a BA in Ancient Classics from Maynooth University in Ireland where he was born. When not editing the work of others, Philip is probably editing his own, getting lost in a movie, rocking out at a concert, or hiking around Vancouver with his wife and their spoiled pug.

Elena D'Souza

Experience: ~ 35,000 pages scoped and proofed

Elena is a dedicated editor with an eye for detail and a love of painstaking accuracy. She is a diligent and thorough researcher and thrives on tackling a challenging, time-sensitive edit. She has a background in the sciences and has worked as a freelance editor as well as a legal, medical, and general transcriptionist and transcript editor. She prides herself on clear, concise communication and consistently updated style sheets.

A life-long speculative fiction enthusiast, she volunteers her spare time as a copy editor at the online speculative fiction magazine Strange Horizons. When she isn't editing she is reading, doing puzzles, and taking pictures of her dog. 

Lyncie Tesoro

Experience: ~ 20,000 pages scoped and proofed

Having recently completed my undergraduate studies in Sociology and Criminal Justice and Public Policy from the University of Guelph, I am thrilled to be joining MicroScope! My academic experience has taught me the significance of critical analysis and language in expressing important ideas, especially those relating to political or social pressing issues. I have a keen eye for detail and enjoy researching to gain an in-depth understanding of the content I edit.

Overall, my goal at MicroScope is to be able to help others, gain more knowledge, and contibute to the superb customer service and quality that MicroScope provides. Outside of work, I am typically enjoying my free time at the gym, spending time with family and friends, watching movies, or trying a new recipe in the kitchen!

Andrew McDougall

A storied professional with a multitude of interdisciplinary experiences and achievements, Andrew is an astute individual that brings a well-rounded and jovial approach to collaboration and excellence. 

Andrew is currently enrolled at Humber/Guelph in the computer programming stream. Andrew draws in experience from his past endeavours from his work in human resources, sales, and over a decade as a professional chef. He is a versatile, inquisitive individual constantly in search of new challenges and experiences.

"My goal with MicroScope is to add my strong work ethic to the team and to give the best possible customer service to our clients. In my free time, I can be found at a concert, cooking, reading, watching the Premier League, or hanging out with my wife and dog."  

Kiana Sarmadi

A pensive and thoughtful individual, Kiana is driven by a love for language. In recent years, Kiana has sought out several personal opportunities to be engaged with the field of professional writing and editing in any way that she can.  

Kiana holds a BA in English and Cultural Studies from McMaster University. Alongside her studies, she has been a blog correspondent for Acta Victoriana, worked on archival collections as a student assistant, and is an editorial assistant for The Rights Factory. With her background in literary studies and creative writing, she is constantly looking to perfect a piece of writing. You can expect your transcripts to receive the same amount of care and attention that Kiana brings to every project she touches.

When not working, she's making butterfly taxidermy, hiking, or reading.

The Owners

My name is Matthew Weston, and I am the husband in the husband and wife duo. I bring to the company my compassionate heart, my thoughtful attention to the details, my big-picture thinking, and my philosophy that all people, especially those who I work both for and with, deserve to be treated with dignity, equity, respect, and care.

I leave you with this; a quote that has rung true to me on a daily basis and will continue to do so:

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Experience: ~ 60,000 pages scoped/proofed

I'm Julia; the wife half of the husband and wife duo. I've always had a passion for researching and understanding every crack and crease of various topics. The team likes to joke that I "know everything" or that I'm a "wizard" with CaseCatalyst. I don't like to write about myself so Matthew is writing this for me. I love to laugh, find pleasure in the absurd as well as the mundane, and I see each transcript as a new adventure. I also delight in learning new words, nonwords, and pseudowords. When not working on transcripts, I can be found cooking, at the gym, or watching YouTube videos of bizarre historical events.

I also love rollercoasters and rollercoaster history!

Experience: ~200,000 pages scoped/proofed